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Hopkinsville Goblins

On a warm summer evening in August 1955, seven kids and five adults came rushing into the Hopkinsville, Kentucky police station in a panic, telling a very unusual tale. Reportedly, the group was at a local farmhouse, when they saw strange lights in the sky, which settled into the nearby woods. These same lights were seen by numerous neighbors. The family then claimed “little men” appeared out of the nearby woods and surrounded the farmhouse, repeatedly peeking in the windows and doors as they tried to get inside. These “little men” were independently described by all members of the party as white/silver/metallic in color, about 3 feet tall, with skinny long arms, hands with talons, large bright offset eyes, pointed ears, legs that looked almost atrophied and seemed to float rather than walk.

Two of the men claimed to have fought the invaders, which would later be dubbed the “Hopkinsville Goblins”, off for hours. When they would shoot these goblins, it would make the sound of a rock rattling around inside a can. They would flip backwards, unwounded, and float off into the woods, only to return later. The family estimated there were over 10 goblins, but couldn’t know for sure. Eventually, as they were getting low on ammo, they decided to make a break for their trucks in order to notify the police.

Fearing a massive gunfight with local residents, four city police, five state troopers, three deputy sheriffs, and four military police from the nearby US Army base were dispatched to the scene. Upon arrival, the authorities reported finding no tracks or evidence outside the home, only evidence of many gunshots fired from inside the home. One officer did mention also seeing strange lights and another reported a strange glowing green slime on a fence post. After determining there was no threat, the authorities left. The next day, neighbors reported that the families had packed up and left after “the creatures had returned about 3:30 in the morning”. The families never returned, never tried to use this experience to gain fame or money, and were very reluctant to discuss it with anyone in the subsequent years.