Sculpture, Fine Art, Stuff, Things...



Dog Town

In memory of Echo Marie Johnsonville, North American Sausage Hound, and Mayor of Dog Town. These are all the friends she had along the way!

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga is a witch from Slavic folklore, who lives in a house that walks around the forest on giant chicken legs. This version lights up from within, giving off a creepy red light.

The Last Ronin

This diorama is based on the graphic novel, The Last Ronin, which is set 30 years after the Turtles were battling Master Shredder. Three of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been killed along with Splinter. Carrying (and using) the weapons of his brothers, the remaining Turtle seeks vengeance on Shredder's grandson, who now controls New York City as an authoritarian. This diorama is based on a scene where in anguish, and with his brothers weapons, masks, and Splinter's book laid out before him, the remaining Turtle considers taking his own life.


What is there to say about Bloodsport? It is what it is. And what it is, is an incredibly…80’s action/fight film. This diorama depicts the final fight scene, where Van Damme jumps off the ref’s shoulders and lands a stunning flying side kick on his opponent. It was made for my buddy, Benjamin.


Sometimes referred to as “Santa’s Shadow”, Krampus takes care of all of the bad little girls and boys in a far worse manner than a lump of coal in their stocking. These are made from existing Christmas village houses, I just added the Krampus’ and other figures.

Bad Kitty

This was a commissioned piece where I was trying to mimic a photo of a scene of destruction caused by this kitty. The first pic is the aftermath of this cat’s playtime with toilet paper, the second pic is the cat, and the rest are of the diorama I put together of the scene.

Beautiful Flower

“I like it when a flower or little tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. It’s so fuckin’ heroic.”

~ George Carlin ~

This piece is inspired by two sources: one of my favorite quotes from George Carlin and my best friend for many years Misty Peralta. I think it is a great metaphor for her life, and a fitting tribute to what she has overcome to grow into a wonderful woman.


Out of the crazy, yet awesome brain of my friend Kat, comes "Stanley". It is a long story; let's just say it involves Stego's with leaves/feathers and spiky, spiky, toes...

The Chicken or the Egg?

I suppose the goal of this piece is to answer the age old question of which came first, though I am not sure that goal has been accomplished. This started out as a broken ceramic egg and metal legs stand that my old job was throwing away.

Beware the Wheelers

From the cinematic masterpiece and incredibly dark sequel “Return to Oz”, comes Beware the Wheelers. If you were a child in the late 80’s, you likely saw this movie and it gave you just as many nightmares as it did me.